Wednesday 22 February 2017

Professional development week

So far, I have been trying to 'organise' my work i say.........
However, it's not always as easy! I have been trying to get myself into a routine so i have mainly focused on going to the gym and cooking healthy meals to enhance my diet!

I love eating healthy fruit but i also love chocolate so i decided to dip strawberries in warm galaxy chocolate sprinkled with cracklers!
I used these as assignment planning treats, so far i've ate half of them and got round to planning half of a report (whoops)

Wednesday 15 February 2017

17th week

 This seminar has been about *creativity*. This has been useful for me as I’ve been trying to develop my creative cv. I would like to think I’m creative but to be honest the best creative ideas come out when I’m working as a group. I feel that someone’s suggestion can create an even better idea in another person’s mind. One of my classmate’s designs websites and has it as a part time job-impressive…
Using this session on creativity I asked if he could look over my cv, he was so helpful and loved his suggestion of: ‘’instead of putting a bar code on your cv (which took you onto a YouTube link of me speaking about myself) put a Snapchat bar code as bar codes can be seen as old fashioned whilst Snapchat Is more up to date’’

We’ve spend the morning structuring the video as we really want to do well so having a clear structure on what we need to do will make it clearer for us to follow it on the day. We’ve delegated task to complete such as creating personas and prepping how we’re gong to shoot for the video.

Wednesday 8 February 2017

16th week

As usual the stand up meetings require to speak about what has been accomplished and what hasn’t. I spoke to my group and they told me that this session was about digital and campaigns. I have a passion for campaigns as it allows for creativity to take place-specially in the festival scene!
Digital marketing:
It seems that we are living in the digital age with social media constantly playing an important role in our daily life’s. It is said that 1/10 people believe everything seen on social media is true! New apps are evolving such as uber- pay with cash or card

Did you know 80% of shopper’s research products before purchasing them online, websites are the preferred search for generation x (35-54)
Therefore we’ve began thinking about how to advertise for the festival linking it back to digital platforms, not only is this our objective for our client but we live in a world where the internet is used as a useful resource for everyone.
Action plan:

How other companies advertise through social media platforms

Wednesday 1 February 2017

15th week

Hola senores y senoritas hoy voy a escribir mi experiencia que ha pasado en esta semana. In case you didn’t know, I’ve spent the last week writing out my application to study abroad in Spain! Si,si,si (excuse, the odd Spanish word there and then I’m just so excited). Firstly, I have spent the morning speaking to John (helping me with my application) I didn’t think our meeting would run for this long but I had so many questions to ask I ended up forgetting about the time and it was too late for me to come to the big agency- I apologise.

Looking through the seminar slides it looks like we’ve been asked to re write the brief. The seminar has focused on the word ‘insight’ meaning: the capacity to gain an accurate and deep understanding of someone or something. Insight in terms of marketing comes from things such as understanding clients and critical thinking about the sector the client operates in. The key part in creating a creative brief seems to have to be inspirational to make it unique. Therefore, I’ve spoken to my team to inform me on what they’ve wrote…
Learning outcome:
·      A creative brief is something that will get a reaction. It has to reflect emotional rational needs/behaviours
Action plan for next week:
·      Bring back questionnaire with responses

·      Extract the key points